Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kung Fu Hustle

I absolutely loved Kung Fu Hustle.

I loved how everything was over the top. The violence is cartoonish and stylized. A lot of the moves used are completely impossible to do in real life but are so visually appealing. The violence is comedic.
One of my favorite parts was when Sing was still trying to be a gangster and he had the knives stuck in his shoulder. When he was running away from the Landlord's wife he used the knife as a rear view mirror. It was also funny because they were running at impossible speeds and it looked silly.
There are other parts of the film that are blown out of proportion. Like when Sing laughs after stealing the deaf girls money (i think?). He laughs and laughs so loudly that it becomes funny. There are other parts that i think are supposed to almost mock old Kung Fu movies. For instance, when the Axe Gang just show up out of nowhere when Sing pretends to signal them.
All in all the violence was classic and great.

The writing I also thought was really well done. There were parts where I thought the movie was beautiful. Other parts where I thought it was a joke (and meant to be a joke).
When Sing gets launched into the sky and boosts off of a bird, that was the greatest moment in cinematic history.
I thought it was interesting how the film sort of played off of the "old superhero" idea. People who used to do great things and were legends as fighters that just wanted to live normal lives. So, they took up tailoring and being a baker and whatnot. It was cool that it played of of this idea, but it was not what i had been expecting at all.


  1. The fact that everything was so silly and comical made it much easier to swallow. I think that most people in class really enjoyed the film.
    It's very to have something be silly and comical and also have it be incredibly terrible and cheesy. The construction of the film and its presentation avoided that completely.
    I liked how you brought up the idea of the "old superhero." I really liked that storyline and what they did with it. Maybe there is some sort of meaning to film after all. Hmmmm.

  2. I really enjoyed the film also. The funny and silly moments I think are what made it so great! I think that the "recycled" ideas taken from other films and incorporated in this one are done in a very creative way. I think that the idea of old super hero you brought up is also very interesting and true to the film.

    I really think that the crazy silly way the film was done was really original.

  3. Glad you liked it! This movie is one of my favorites. Bit light on the analysis here, but the enthusiasm is always fun.
