Friday, April 2, 2010

Dr. Strangelove

1. My Impression

I thought this movie was disturbing. The way that such serious issues are made comical bummed me out a bit. So many people died during World War II and the real dropping of the Atomic Bomb ruined so much life. That being said, even though this is about the Cold War and the fear of Communism, I still found the way that such destruction was taken so lightly to be a bummer.
I think that that was probably Kubrik's point, to make a mockery of how serious this issue was and that it can be in the hands of such idiotic people.

2. Class Discussion

I like how we had the discussion that everyone thinks they are heroes, even when they are going to destroy the world so no one will be alive. Especially the Air Force pilots who will do anything to drop the bomb, even ride it to the destruction, just to be heroes and "all Americans". They don't take the time to think about the real consequences that result; which i think is another one of Kubrik's points. People are so caught up in trying to be a hero that they don't think about anything else or the consequences.

3. Reading

I love how Kubrik messes with the American LIberal Consensus and what it means to be a hero. I figured there would have been at least one person in the movie who does something that we would actually find as heroic. I don't think i saw that at all. The whole idea of proliferation of nuclear arms is so ridiculous to me, i don't think it was hard for Kubrik to satirize it. The fact that our world was willing to live like that i can't even imagine. Knowing that if one bomb drops anywhere the world ends. He also made it a strong point to pick on the leaders of the countries, some still trying to salute Hitler, one that doesn't have any balls, etc. Overall, i think Kubrik does a great job at showing America and the world how ridiculous things can get.

When it comes to satirizing the war in the middle east, I would say we need to mention issues like weapons of mass destruction (that would be an easy one to address). I think if Kubrik made the film, he would show the negative feelings for Americans and possibly vice versa, in a humorous light. I think there are so many terrible things that he could choose to pick on.



    For as much as I'm impressed by how Kubrick can take something and turn it into an inappropriate circus, I was more uncomfortable than anything else. Especially during all the montages of mushroom clouds set to dreamy music; that did nothing more than disturb me.

    But at the same time I feel as though the fact that it was campy satire allowed us to absorb more of Kubrick's message. He really makes fun of the way people thought back then and I feel like he shows us that the ridiculousness that used to pervade people's minds and actions.

  2. I really like how you organize your thoughts and responses, and show the process in your blogs.

    It's my sense, from the reading in which Kubrick is quoted, that his intent wasn't just to laugh at the horrors of the cold war. He meant to shock people, and make them really realize at a visceral level just how wrong and insane the prevalent logic was. Remember that the extreme and crazy-sounding rhetoric in the movie was taken more or less from things people had actually said, and not exaggerated all that much.
