Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Third Man

I thought this movie was great.
To start off, the whole American Foreign Policy-ish theme really became apparent to me during the class discussion. I thought the film "The Third Man" was very well written in the ways that the Americans come onto foreign soil, either "guns blazing" (Holly) to save the day -or- just to make money (Lime), no matter what the consequences are (physically or otherwise.) I think that this idea can be seen all throughout America's history. Though the movie was filmed in 1949, the theme still is apparent in 2010. In the end, both Americans lose to some extent. Lime more so than Holly. Lime loses his life, while Holly just loses the girl and a former good friend.

As far as "The Revenant of Vienna" article, I never realized how many similarities there are between Dracula and The Third man. To start off, neither character shows up that frequently during the film. Both Dracula and Lime are the major talk of the movie, but really only show up for minimal amounts. The article said that they serve as focal points for the story, which is very true of lime. The whole film is about Holly trying to figure out how he died, so we are constantly thinking about Lime throughout the film. The article also mentioned how both characters are killed at the end of prolonged chases. Lime had somewhat of a ridiculous chase scene in the tunnels underneath the Russian sector. I thought if was funny how both Lime and Dracula have more power during the night. For Lime, he can move about more freely with a lesser chance of being caught. During the day he is at risk.

Overall, i loved "The Third Man", and all of its interesting undertones and themes. The similarities to Dracula was also quite interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, sharp summary of the central ideas we've been exploring. But I'd like to see you take off from here, and from this solid foundation do some exploring of your own!
